
Simple Always Equals Success

While traveling on the road I came across one of the best "Hamburger Joints" I've ever visited. The food was excellent! The burger was awesome!! Man I was impressed, but the impression wasn't all about the food, it was about the restaurant establishment. The name of the restaurant was "Five Guys." It was started in Northern Va., just a little under ten years ago. It currently stands as one of the fastest restaurant chains that has established itself in 25 states. What is the reason for such rapid expansion? Simplicity and quality. When you walk into the restaurant one of the first things you notice is a menu board (click to make larger) that has four things on it; burgers, hot dogs, fries, and ice cold drinks. That's it! Nothing fancy, nothing confusing, nothing extraordinary; just a simple menu board with hot quality food served in brown paper bags. The only thing that has the name of the establishment on it is the cup. We'll this whole thing got me thinking about church planting. Those that know me know that I like to keep things simple and focused. Here I am sitting in one of the fastest growing establishments in the country that only delivers four basic things with quality, and here I am experiencing one of the most awesome "cardiac killers" I've ever tasted. Why? Someone knew the value of delivering a simple high quality product in a simple and comfortable environment. Look at their business philosophy: Mission: We are in the business of selling burgers. Goal: Five Guys goal is to sell the best quality burgers possible. To sell the best burger possible we focus on Quality, Service and Cleanliness. The result? Millions of customers and dollars and rapid expansion of their franchise. All of this made me think that that's exactly what Jesus did, he didn't add to or glamorize His message (product of salvation), He simply said here is one thing that is best for you. He delivered the message with simplicity and validity and the results were staggering. Can you imagine what the church could do in America if it focused on doing the very thing that Jesus told us to do (make disciples) and do it simply and with quality? Perhaps we would see millions of people come to faith and a rapid expansion of new churches throughout our landscape. The lesson in visiting "Five Guys" was this; simplicity and value will always equal success. Is this really true? Try studying the founding vision and philosophies of GM, GE, Starbucks, and Walmart, and see if this isn't true. One thing still remains true, even in the 21st century, simplicity will always win out and triumph in a complex world. If we would work hard at taking all the complexity out of the church and the gospel message perhaps we would see millions longing to dine at the Lord's table. What's the moral of this story? Keep it simple when planting your church. In our economy simple many times brings success. And, it appears that this rings true in God's economy; simple is not only best, it always brings success.

You'll remember, friends, that when I first came to you to let you in on God's master stroke, I didn't try to impress you with polished speeches and the latest philosophy. I deliberately kept it plain and simple: first Jesus and who he is; then Jesus and what he did—Jesus crucified. 1 Cor 2:1 Message

“That a company with
basically four menu items
routinely appears in the
Zagat Survey,
the bible of fine dining
tells you one thing:
It does those four things
really well.”
2007 Zagat Magazine

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