
Feel the pulse

Our culture is sick (morally), but still alive. People everyday are struggling with real life challenges, and they are searching for answers to deal with these issues. We all know that the issues of Wall Street are pressing down on the people who live on Main Street. In times like these church planters have a open door to readily address cultural issues and challenges. They can do this by learning to "feel the pulse" of their community and people. When people struggle (economically, emotionally, spiritually) in life; I believe every church planter, pastor, and missionary has the opportunity to distribute an antidote to what is ailing the people. I.E.; the recent developments of Wall Street have created an upwelling of anxiety and fear within our society. If a church planter/pastor would speak on the issue of trust (something that is absent in our culture today), and where people can find and rely on something (or Someone) whom they can trust, can you imagine the results and the potential for community transformation? Biblically we have examples of how individuals knew how to "feel the pulse" of their culture. The Lord Jesus and the Apostle Paul are two examples of individuals that knew how to address the issues that people were dealing with on an everyday basis. Their antidote was always God's truth and love.

In 2001 I remember addressing a crowd of over 2,000 people that had gathered in a small town park in Western New York. The crowd gathered to pray for our country as we were dealing with the biggest crisis to hit the mainland of the United States; the Terrorist attack on 9/11. As I was asked to speak and to offer prayer at this rally, I realized (sensed) that the biggest need of that moment was to address the fear that was gripping the hearts of people in our community. On that day I learned that when challenges arise in our culture, this becomes a prime opportunity for Christianity to rise above those challenges with God's message of love, hope, and peace. I remembered sharing that when calamity comes upon us in times like 9/11, that there is One who is greater than our fears, enemies, and circumstances. God used this moment in that park to speak to both Christians and non-Christians. Several people engaged our church plant because of this moment, and some of those people ended up coming to faith in Christ. I learned through that event that the greatest thing that I could do as a communicator of the gospel was to listen, understand, and "feel the pulse" of our culture. Why? Sin is prevalent, crisis will always come, and people will search for some form of rescue and relief. We are then given these types of opportunities because we know what offers people real rescue and relief in life. The question I have for church planters today is; "do you have a feel on the pulse" of your community? And, are your ready and open to offer them the antidote to their moral, emotional, spiritual, and economic dilemma's when they come? It was in a time of crisis that I learned the valuable lesson of "feeling the pulse" of my community. We again are facing challenges within are society today. It's your turn now to grab a stethoscope and "feel the pulse" of our day. It's your time to deliver the antidote in their time of crisis.

Antidote -- A remedy or other agent used to neutralize or counteract the effects of a poison.

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