
The #1 pitfall of a planter

I was reading Henry Blackaby's devotional this morning (Exp. God Day-by-Day)and it hit me that what he was speaking about what is perhaps the number one pitfall of church planters--pride. I would encourage you to take a ride onto this link (http://www.blackaby.org/) and ponder the words within this devotional. It was a real gut-check for me today, especially after hearing yesterday the testimony of a young man (potential church planter) who had to experence some changes in his life so God could speak into this issue surrounding his life. With pride, nothing will happen. No power, no presence, and no promises or blessings from God. My prayer for you is that if God is wanting to speak to you about this issue, you'll give him 15 minutes to let Him encounter you today. I know you will be blessed for doing this as I was today. Have a great weekend!

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