"Do unto others as you would have them do to you" (Matt. 7:12). Have you ever bent over backwards for someone and never even got one word or act of appreciation? Unfortunately this happens to church planters and pastors all the time. And what is even more unfortunate is when church planters and pastors model this same type of behavior. Lack of gratitude is one thing that will quickly kill a church plant. I've seen this so many times; people and partners invest in the work of a church plant and not even one mention of thanks or gratitude expressed back to those who have given and sacrificed time, resources, and energy. This attitude has a erosion type of effect. First it starts with resources dwindling away, then it escalates with people pulling away. I know personally how beneficial it is to appreciate (show gratitude) those who have contributed to the work that God is doing through His people. Appreciation that is expressed through hand written notes, gifts, and phone calls. People want to feel that what they have contributed is of value. They do not want to be under appreciated by a church planter and/or church plant who have some type of entitlement attitude. Jesus simply said; "treat others the way you would want to be treated." It is a biblical principle teaches that respect and gratitude, and it goes two ways. Practicing this principle also enhances long lasting friendships and relationships. So, if you recently had a parishioner or partner who has gone the extra mile for you and your church plant, please take the time to let them know how much you appreciate all that they have done in Jesus name. If you sow appreciation, you'll reap a harvest of appreciation. Tell someone today that has blessed you and your church plant; thank you!
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