Summer time for church planters means Mission Teams. Today as I compiled a list of all the mission teams coming to minister along side our church planters, I reflected on the value of what these teams bring. I can remember, and still hear the stories today, on how mission teams (partners) bring and supply energy, resources, valuable connections, and "noise" (in the community) for a church plant. Many times a huge surge of momentum is created because of the work and ministry of a mission group. The best time to capitalize on this momentum is on the heels of the teams work and departure. If a church planter lets days and weeks go by, they often times miss the activity and opportunities that were stirred up by a mission team. Many times the planter takes a "siesta" and watches all the opportunities to make connections slip by as they "recoup" from the energy used while the team was on the field. Here is a suggestion from one who understands how much energy a planter uses when hosting a mission group. Put up some boundaries. Begin the mission teams journey with a a 1 hour "briefing." When they arrive welcome them, tell them what you hope to accomplish, share with them about the area, give them the "cardinal" rules of what to do and not to do, and then transfer full confidence that they will be used by God in a mighty way. During the time they are with you plan to spend one evening (1 hour) and one morning (2 hours) with them. Delegate some of the people already connected to your church plant to engage and participate in what the mission team is doing for the week. Make phone calls to check on them, especially to the team leader. At the end of the week, plan spending at least 1-2 hours with the team de-briefing them about their experience, thanking them for their work, and praying for their travels back home. This scenario only adds up to 6-8 hours investment of your time. The point: Save your energy for when they leave. The work of a mission team creates a lot of momentum for a church plant. Wise planning on your part while they are here will allow you to engage the contacts made from the mission teams work, and it will give you the needed energy to ride the momentum (the "Big MO") created by the team. Saving your energy to ride this momentum will be a huge asset in reaching more people for Christ through your church plant. So, this summer, catch the "Big MO" created by the mission teams; plan well, work smart, and save your energy for when they go home. If you do, you will be amazed at the harvest that comes from all those seeds planted by the mission team.
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